My sister is pregnant, expecting her second child in just a few short weeks. She ask me to educate people on handling office pregnancies. We took it one step further. Today, via Facetime, she walked me from her car to her desk to hear the comments and see the reactions of her co-workers greeting her as she arrived for work.

I kid you not, a man stopped his vehicle, rolled down his window and said “you haven’t had that baby yet”? <insert blank stare> He did say it with a smile, as he truly didn’t mean to offend; but at 9 months pregnant, it is obvious a baby is STILL in there.

My moms out there know what I’m saying. You’ve been on the receiving end of jokes, comments, and questions month after month…after month. People pointing out the obvious changes in your walk and figure. It is almost as exhausting as being pregnant. ALMOST!

Can you imagine how frustrating it must be to grant countless people the benefit of the doubt for their thoughtless behavior, day after day?

The A-list is all about building a bigger and better professional toolkit. You are working toward maintaining a reputation of distinction. And today, I’m offering a few tips on how to handle an office pregnancy. I know your time is valuable so this will only take a minute.

If you have another tip or suggestion that should be added to the list, I’d love to hear from you. Post a comment here or connect socially to share. FB:@themichelleawhyte or on Twitter:@michelleawhyte

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